
Should You Stretch?

Welcome to another installment of the LubDub show (formerly the Run Pub Podcast), brought to you by the Providence Heart to Start Program and the Oregon Brewery Running Series!

The LubDub is a weekly podcast and interactive video show where we talk to experts about running and walking and learn from program champions who provide motivation and inspiration as we embark on this 12-week journey as a community united in becoming our best, healthiest selves.


This week, Coach Mike Pagalan is stopping by to say hello (and we sing happy birthday to him!). Mike leads the West Portland group workouts for our usual in-person Heart to Start season.

And then, Eric Marchek, MPT, PT, CSCS, the clinical operations manager for the Providence Sports Medicine program talks to us about stretching. Should you, shouldn’t you, what kind, he gets to all of it! Eric put together the dynamic and static stretching program that is shared on our program’s portal. He is going to help all of us stay healthy on this 12-week journey and beyond.



It might seem like a given that if you’re a runner or a walker, you should stretch. But Eric says not so fast.

“It’s not a hard one fast rule that you should. Basically, my guidance on stretching is, if it feels good (and it should feel good when you stretch) and doesn’t hurt, then I say, go for it!”

But how does that help us understand what and when to stretch?

Eric went on to say that:

“If you are working towards certain goals, or if you feel like it feels better after a run to spend 10 – 15 minutes doing a static stretch (where you’re holding it for a period of time and then the muscle slowly releases) great. However, the important thing is finding some way to recover after you workout that involves getting your muscles to relax and moving them in a way that sets you up better for your next workout.”

We also discuss:

  • Static vs. Dynamic stretching
  • Active recovery
  • Understanding the difference between a good stretch and a painful one
  • Listening to your muscles
  • Warming up before activity

And more! Listen or watch the full episode to get all the details.

RELATED: Last week, we spoke with Dave Harkin from Portland Running Co., who also recommended some sort of self-massage devices to aid your recovery.

Erik Marchek


Each week, we are joined by an expert who sheds some light on one aspect of the running and walking journey. These are people at the top of their fields in a variety of things. Eric is a top PT and helps professional athletes and everyday athletes alike perform at their best.

According to his bio:

Eric is a native Oregonian and is an avid cyclist. He also enjoys hiking, travel and spending time with his friends and family. Eric is interested in sports of all kinds and is heavily involved in developing sports medicine programs for Providence, including managing our athletic training outreach program. In his clinical practice, Eric has a special interest in the injured athlete and helping to safely return them to the sport they love.

Eric has been with Providence since 2002. As the clinical operations manager for Providence Sports Medicine, he is in more of an administrative role but continues to work with athletes. He has been the Heart to Start primary contact for bringing various sports medicine experts to the in-person workouts over the past few years. He put together the dynamic and static stretching program that shared on the program’s portal page. Stay tuned as we may work with Erick to get a more in-depth interview this spring.


Mike is a buddy of mine who I’ve known for several years. He is always willing to help anyone who needs a hand. Be that when moving, needing company on a 20 miles long run, or any other activity. He has a huge heart and is a great motivator and coach for the Heart to Start Program.

Now in year three of voluntering with Heart to Start, Mike shared that he original wanted to help to learn more about what makes someone decide to get into running or walking.

“I was super curious about why people ran… I wanted to understand why people ran for fun or why they set a goal. I wanted to know how the regular person approach running, and what inspired them… In a non COVID year, we would be on the track and running with these people, and I would ask them ‘what brought you out here?’ And there’ve been some really cool stories about (people) trying to lose weight, or recovering from a certain surgery or trying to overcome other health conditions… it’s these stories that make me feel like anything’s possible.”

By day, Mike is a Patient Navigator for Providence, and helps meet peoples non-physical needs.

“I do a lot of patient advocating for people that are in need for housing, income, food insecurities, insurance… anything that’s not needed in a physical realm, I will help with in the social realm. So the way you’ve described about ‘helping anybody and anytime, anywhere’ is basically what I do for Providence.”

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